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Lung Care (1 FL oz)
Lung Care (1 FL oz)

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Product Code: AWH-00-NH.A025

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Respiratory and Circulatory Support

Using the ‘warming tones of red’ with the heat of ginger and peppers, this formula has the power to offset stress in the upper body, the oral cavity, or the chest cavity. LUNG CARE is a gently warming blend, due to providing both balance by deep color/extracted tones (created by the complex deep colors of blended dark extracts along with their unique biochemistry, and the secondary balance for cleaning and cleansing blood impurities. There are few products that can offer this type of clarity for well-being when stress in the upper chest cavity, or if distress is manifest in the blood. The formula begins with red oak bark, which has the power to enliven the lung meridian and inner bronchial pathways and build immune stress. Additionally Red Reishi, the most ancient and rare of mushroom extractions (reserved solely for Emperors) follows. It has traditionally been reserved as the most powerful of ingredients. Red pepper is next for building blood and balancing vascular tension, as well, this formula is totally unique due to the blossoming synergistic effects. Use it as an immune builder, chest cavity ‘lymph’ tonic, or to ‘warm’ the body. Often ‘gentle warming’ is good for those who have chronic lung stress, who are unable to breathe deeply, or who feel cold all of the time. Start out slowly with this formula, it has some powerhouse ingredients.


RED OAK BARK – Latin name: Quercus rubra Synonyms: Quercus borealis

Medicinal use of Red Oak: The bark and inner bark is antiseptic, astringent, emetic, febrifuge and tonic. It is used in the treatment of diarrhea, chronic dysentery, indigestion, asthma, severe coughs, hoarseness, intermittent fevers, bleeding etc. Externally, it is used as a wash for skin eruptions, rashes, burns etc. The bark can be chewed as a treatment for mouth sores. The bark contains tannins, experimentally these have been shown to be antiviral, antiseptic, anticancer and also carcinogenic. Any galls produced on the tree are strongly astringent and can be used in the treatment of hemorrhages. chronic diarrhea, dysentery etc.


Ganoderma lucidum (Leysser ex Fr.)

Common names: Reishi, ling chih, lingzhi (ling zhi), “spirit plant,”

The reishi mushroom is a purplish-brown fungus with a long stalk, brown spores, and a fan-shaped cap with a shiny, varnish-coated appearance. Reishi grows on decaying wood or tree stumps, preferring the Japanese plum tree but also found on oak. The mushroom is native to China, Japan, and North America but is cultivated throughout other Asian countries. Cultivation of reishi is a long, complicated process. Red reishi Akashiba has been used in Chinese Medicine for more than 4,000 years for treating fatigue, asthma, cough, and liver ailments, and to promote longevity.

The Chinese name lingzhi means “herb of spiritual potency.” A Japanese name for the reishi is mannentake, meaning “10,000-year-old mushroom.” Reishi’s use is documented in the oldest Chinese medical text, which is more than 2,000 years old. Cultivation of reishi began in the 1980s.

A survey conducted in Hong Kong found G. lucidum to be the third most common herbal preparation taken by preoperative surgical patients. The polysaccharide content of reishi mushroom is responsible for possible anti-tumor and immuno-stimulatory effects. Reishi may also provide hepatoprotective action, antiviral activity, and beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and blood sugar balancing.


Among modern herbalists, it is gaining importance for its usefulness and low potential for toxicity. It has been compared to goldenseal, an herb with some of the same uses, but Yerba Mansa is safer and its chemistry is different. Some aromatics are present in the entire plant, and others are found only in the roots. The plant is a mild anti-inflammatory, astringent, mild diuretic, antiseptic, and anti-fungal.


Wild cherry bark is classified as a “relaxing expectorant” because it thins mucus secretions and coats irritated respiratory tissue, states Shayne Foley, contributing author at HerbalEd.org and education director with Herb Pharm, a manufacturer of herbal medicines. It is easier for the fine hairs of the respiratory system, known as cilia, to move thinner secretions out of the lungs and bronchial tubes.


Whole turmeric is likely to provide you with a different set of benefits than its best-studied constituent—namely, curcumin. That’s because turmeric includes three different curcuminoids: curcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and demethoxycurcumin. It also contains volatile oils like tumerone, atlantone, and zingiberone. These potential benefits include better regulation of inflammation, oxidation, cell signaling, blood sugar levels, blood fat levels, and brain levels of the omega-3 fatty acid called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), among its many benefits. But at the same time, there are many other health-supportive substances in turmeric, and the amount of curcumin in turmeric root can be fairly small. The actual amount of curcumin in turmeric varies from species to species, growing conditions, and timing of growth and harvest. But it typically accounts for only 2-5% of the root weight and can drop even lower under some conditions. In short, we are delighted to see great studies on the health benefits of curcumin, yet since we are most interested in the spice itself (turmeric) and the potential benefits of this spice in recipes, we also realize that some of the research on curcumin doesn’t easily translate into these more practical kitchen and recipe applications. In the remainder of this Health Benefits section, we want to tell you about practical health benefits of turmeric in cooking based on our confidence in research about the spice itself.

Overall Decreased Phase Six Risk Due to Increased Cellular Signaling

The vast majority of studies on turmeric and cancer risk have been conducted on rats and mice. In addition, the research interventions have involved curcumin rather than turmeric. Normally, we would not try to draw any conclusions about food and your health from animal studies on isolated food constituents! But in this case, we feel justified in making an exception due to the large number of animal studies, the consistency of the findings, and the diverse number of mechanisms that allow curcumin to lower cancer risk in rats and mice. These mechanisms include: antioxidant mechanisms, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, immuno-regulatory mechanisms, enzyme-related mechanisms, cell signaling mechanisms, and cell cycle mechanisms. As you can surmise, we’re talking about a remarkable range of potential anti-cancer impacts with respect to curcumin intake.

In addition, animal studies on curcumin have looked at a wide variety of cancer forms, including cancer of the prostate, pancreas, lung, colon, cervix, breast, mouth, tongue, and stomach. At WHFoods, our research presentation policy is to avoid extrapolating from animal studies to human diets. We like to see large-scale studies on humans eating everyday foods before we post information on our website about the health benefits of particular foods. However, in this case we would like to make an exception. Even though we do not have large-scale studies on humans consuming turmeric, the repeatedly positive findings in these animal studies on curcumin convince us that you can lower your overall cancer risk through regular consumption of turmeric.

Of special interest in the cancer research on curcumin has been its well-documented role in detoxification. In animal studies, curcumin has consistently been shown to stimulate Phase II detox activity. This phase of detoxification allows our cells to bind potential toxins together with other molecules so that they can be excreted from the body. As more and more potentially toxic substances get bound together with other molecules during Phase II processing, our risk of cancer development decreases.


Propolis contains as many as 300 active compounds. These components were found to fight illnesses in a variety of ways including:

  • Preventing the growth of new blood vessels to feed cancer cells (anti-angiogenesis)
  • Preventing the spread or metastasis of cancer from one organ to another
  • Halting cancer cell division
  • Inducing apoptosis or programmed cell death

In addition, propolis was found to mitigate the side effects or toxicity of chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of cancer.

Bees make propolis by gathering resin from pine and other cone-producing evergreen trees. They blend the resin with wax flakes and pollen, and take it back to the hive. There they use the sticky mess to patch holes, seal cracks and build panels in the hive.

But propolis does more than architectural duty. It also acts as an antiseptic barrier protecting the hive from contamination and from external invaders like mice, snakes, and lizards. In fact, the name propolis comes from the Greek meaning “defense of the city.”

The antimicrobial properties of propolis protect the hive from viruses and bacteria. Researchers found that bees living in hives coated with propolis have lower bacteria in their body and also ‘quieter’ immune systems.


Stone root is a native North American perennial plant; the hard, knobby rootstock sends up a quadrangular stem from 1-4 feet tall, with opposite, ovate, serrate leaves which are pointed at the apex and narrowed or heart-shaped at the base. The two-lipped (with fringed lower lip), greenish-yellow, lemon-scented flowers, stamen strongly protruding, grow in a loose panicled raceme at the top of the stem from July to October.

Found in rich, damp woods from Quebec to Florida and westward to Wisconsin, Missouri, and Arkansas. Found in the mountains of Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, and Carolina, the root of this herb is considered as a panacea and is being used outwardly and inwardly for many illnesses as a general tonic.

Diuretic, tonic, vulnerary, astringent, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, alterative

Biochemical Information

13,000 parts per million of rosmarinic acid, resin, starch, tannin, mucilage and a wax-like substance.

An infusion of stone root makes a good diuretic for urinary problems, female disorders, and excessive water retention. It is often included with other plants as part of a mixture. The fresh leaves can be used externally, as poultice or fomentation, to help heal wounds, sores, cuts, ulcers, sprains, burns, and bruises, poison oak and ivy.

Root tea used for piles, hoarseness, laryngitis, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, dropsy, kidney and bladder ailments, cystitis. As a remedy in functional, vascular diseases of the heart, headache, chronic bronchitis, colic, dropsy, cramps.


Historically, ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. In herbal medicine, ginger is regarded as an excellent carminative (a substance which promotes the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (a substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract). Modern scientific research has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.

Gastrointestinal Relief

A clue to ginger’s success in eliminating gastrointestinal distress is offered by recent double-blind studies, which have demonstrated that ginger is very effective in preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially seasickness. In fact, in one study, ginger was shown to be far superior to Dramamine, a commonly used over-the-counter and prescription drug for motion sickness. Ginger reduces all symptoms associated with motion sickness including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweating.

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